Caffeinated musings on my place within Judaism, feminism and community. Pontification on political and social topics. Definitely not decaf.

17 July 2006

Do the Swiss Eat Swiss Chard?

I've been pondering this question as I've been innundated with the stuff lately. Yes, it's fresh. Yes, it's healthy. But there are limits. Herewith is a recipe I've adapted/created to serve as a Shabbat side dish.

Swiss Chard Tarte
2 c flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c olive oil
1/2 c water
1-2 Walla Walla or sweet onions -chopped into small pieces
1 large bunch Swiss Chard cut into 1/2" pieces
4 eggs
1/2 c Parmesan cheese
1/2 c half-n-half/milk/cream
1/2 to 1 c ricotta cheese
fresh ground pepper and nutmeg

Preheat the oven to 375 F.
Mix together flour and salt. Add in olive oil and water to make a soft dough.
Pat the dough into a 9" pan (2" high) with a removable bottom.

Sautée onions until golden. (Quantity depends on what you have in the house - I'm all for adapting.)
Wash, check chard for bugs etc. Dry it and then cut the chard and stems into ribbons about 1/2" wide. Add the chard to the onions and cook until it's wilted - about 5 minutes.

In another bowl beat eggs, half-n-half (or milk or cream), Parmesan and ricotta cheeses. Add some cracked pepper to taste along with a good dash of nutmeg. When it's all combined, mix it with the chard and then pour it into the prepared crust.

Bake until the custard is set - about 45 minutes. It's great room temperature - which in my book makes it an ideal Shabbat dish.

Now on to other things. I'm posing a few questions to the blogosphere:
  • I wonder: if we could learn to regularly and effectively collaborate, would we generate change? If hierarchical organizations – or small groups within an organization – or political entities – were to operate from a collaborative standpoint, look to group members to rely on each other and develop situational leadership, wouldn’t these actions generate a groundswell? Wouldn’t change be the logical extension and result of new behaviors and ways of participating?
  • Can we link collaboration to a Multiple Intelligences’ perspective? Howard Gardner proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences in his 1983 book, Frames of Mind. The basic premise is that there are seven – or perhaps eight – types of intelligence (i.e., verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, body-kinesthetic, auditory-musical, interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, naturalist), which each relate to certain spheres of our lives and activities. Initially geared toward educators, Gardner wrote teaching could be tailored to better reach students once their type is identified.
    Using this idea as a starting point, do Multiple Intelligences come into play in the workplace, in political groups or in organizations? Presumably, one’s type influences how one takes in and processes information. If this is the case, does a person’s type influence how they approach collaboration?
  • Is there an intersection between how people perceive information, data, stimuli, etc. based on their Multiple Intelligences type and how people collaborate and interact with other group members – based on these types.
  • Can we teach how we collaborate? Can collaboration be learned and tailored? If we collaborate, can we achieve systemic organizational change? Perhaps if we understand how we learn, synthesize and apply information, can we collaborate more effectively?

In thinking about what is going on in Israel, I am no naïf. Wishfully imagining a world where collaboration is the rule rather than the exception will not generate peace and stability. Using an appreciative inquiry approach is nice...but what about secure borders?

Still, I have to believe there are ways to change how we think and interact with each other. In essence, I'd like to believe that if we can collaborate and interact with greater comfort and readiness, then we can confront our challenges and opportunities with a greater willingness to take a more creative outlook.

Anyway, at this time when our hearts turn toward the east, remember folks, check Jblogosphere frequently for the latest information.


Blogger Ezzie said...

You should send this over to the Kosher Cooking Carnival...

Do you have more info on the Seattle rally by any chance?

(PS - Venti Caramel Latte w/ Whip... extra syrup, no sauce... :) If cold, very little ice.)



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